
Cleaning Up My Finances

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Cleaning Up My Finances

About six months ago, I could tell that I needed help. It seemed like no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get my finances in order. I was spending way more than I earned each and every month, and it was absolutely devastating to my pocketbook. One day, I realized that all of my credit cards were maxed out, and that I was past due on my rent. I knew that I was going to get kicked out of my apartment for not paying, and so I started exploring the possibility of borrowing money from a lender. Long story short, my credit was in terrible condition, and I ended up declaring bankruptcy to make things right. Check out this blog to learn more about cleaning up your finances.

FAQs Of Filing A Chapter 12 If You Own A Farm Or Fishery

Most people are familiar with Chapter 7 and 13 bankruptcy filings, but few are aware of Chapter 12. If you are a fisherman or farmer, a Chapter 12 filing could be the best option available to handle debts. Before deciding which filing to use, here is what you need to know about Chapter 12 bankruptcy.  Why Should You File for a Chapter 12? Since your farm or fishery is considered to be a business, filing for a Chapter 7 or 11 might seem like a logical step. Read More